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Monthly Archives: November 2011

Ibn Taymiyyah Said ,
“And the hadeeth of Bukhaari states the first army to wage Jihaad against Constantinople is forgiven and the first army to do Jihaad against Constantinople, their Ameer was Yazeed ibn Mu’waiyyah and the word army entails a specific number and every member of this army is included in this forgiveness. ”
(Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah Fee Naqdh Kalaam ash-Shee’ah Wal-Qadariyyah (2/252), al-Muntaqa Minhaaj al-Ei’tidaal Fee Naqdh Kalaam ar-Rafdh Wal-Ei’tizaal (pg.290).

more info:

Yazid (May Allah give him what he deserves)

The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia,as he came on the Majd TV in a Q & A session, stating very clearly “verbatum”:

“The Bay’at of yazid is Shar’iah (legtimate/righteous), and Husain went against the Shariah by going against the Khalifah.

Yazid’s father took Bay’at for Yazid before he died, and this is binding to all Muslims, and therefore anyone who goes against him (yazid), is subject to …..

Husayn was wrong, went against people who advised him not to go.

Mufti is asking ” for forgiveness” for Imam Husayn, because Husayn sinned by going against the Khalifah of his time.”

Read More Here:


“Imam” of the Wahabi/Salafis
Ibn Taymiyyah said;
“Yazeed was from the teenage muslims he was neither a disbeliever nor a Zindeeq (heretic) he used to give a lot (of wealth in charity) and he was brave. He did not have the evil and bad things which the enemies attributed to him.”
(al-Waseeyatul-Kubraa (pg.300), Majmoo al-Fataawa (2/41).
more info Here:

Tampering of

Tafsir as-Sawi

by the


Allah says in the Qur’an, Surah al-Fatir 35 Verse 6

“Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blazing Hellfire.”

Imam Ahmad bin Muhammad as-Sawi al-Maliki who died in the year 1241 AH(1825AD over 170 years ago) in his book “Hashiat al-Allamah as-Sawi” which is part of the interpretation of Al-Qur’an book:
“Tafsir al-Jalalayn”, in his tafsir to this ayah, Imam as-Sawi says:

“This Ayah was revealed about the Khawaarij ho misinterpret the Qur’an and Hadeeth, legitimising the killing and confiscating the property of other Muslims (under the impression that they are mushriks and upon kufr). As it is seen now, the equal, who are a group in the land of al-Hijaaz (its a region in the west of present-day Saudi Arabia) called ‘al-Wahaabiyyah’, who think they are following the truth but they are liars whom which the Shaytaan overwhelmed and made them forget the dhikr of Allah. They are the followers of Shaytaan (Hizbush Shaytaan). Surely the followers of Shaytaan are the losers and we ask Allah, the all generous, to amputate their origin.”

قال الشيخ أحمد بن محمد الصاوي المالكي الصاوي المتوفى سنة 1241 هـ أي منذ أكثر من 170 سنة في حاشيته على تفسير الجلالين كتاب “حاشية العلامة الصاوي على تفسير الجلالين”.

المجلد الخامس ص 78 في تفسير قول الله تعالى {إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ فَاتَّخِذُوهُ عَدُوًّا إِنَّمَا يَدْعُو حِزْبَهُ} (فاطر الآية 6). “وقيل هذه الآية نزلت في الخوارج الذين يحرّفون تأويل الكتاب والسنة ويستحلون بذلك دماء المسلمين وأموالهم كما هو مُشَاهَدٌ الآن في نَظَائِرهم وهم فرقة بأرض الحجاز يقال لهم الوهابية يحسبون أنهم على شيء ألا إنهم هم الكاذبون استحوذ عليهم الشيطان فأنساهم ذكر الله أولئك حزب الشيطان ألا إن حزب الشيطان هم الخاسرون نسأل الله الكريم أن يقطع دابرهم”. انتهى كلام الشيخ الصاوي المالكي.

حاشية العلامة الصاوي على تفسير الجلالين للفقيه أحمد بن محمد الصاوي المالكي المتوفي 1241 هـ

Imam As-Sawi Al-Maliki Warned from Wahhabis 170 Years Ago

read more/scans:




Quotes from pages 59-61 & 164-165






Yūsuf b. Husayn al-Rāzī29—may Allah have mercy upon him—said:

“Someone stood up in the presence of Dhū al-Nūn al-Misrī30—may Allah have mercy upon him—and enquired about Divine Oneness [tawhīd]. Dhū al-Nūn explained: „It is that you know that the power of Allah, the Exalted, is in all things without admixture, that He creates all things without difficulty, that He is the source of everything He produces, and that His act of creation is not caused by anything. There is no disposer over the affairs in the celestial realms or in the lower realms besides Allah, the Exalted. Whatever you may imagine, Allah, the Exalted, is totally dissimilar from it.‟”

Junayd—may Allah have mercy upon him—was asked about Divine Oneness.

He replied: “Rendering Allah One by realising fully His Uniqueness through the perfection of His solitude; that He is the One and Only who begets not, nor is He begotten; by negating opposites, rivals, and the like, and rejecting that which is worshipped besides Him; [affirming this Divine Oneness] without resemblance [to the creation], modality, image, or form.

29 He is: Yūsuf b. Husayn al-Rāzī, Abū Yaʿqūb—may Allah have mercy upon him. He was the Shaykh of Ray and Jibāl in his time. He was a scholar and man of letters. His spiritual path consisted of dropping all claims to prestige, abandoning ostentation, and practicing sincerity. He died in the year 334 Hijra… [continued on p. 164].

30 He is: Dhū al-Nūn al-Miṣrī, Abū al-Fayḍ Thawbān b. Ibrāhīm—may Allah have mercy upon him. He was a master of this discipline and one of the rarities of his time in Sacred Knowledge, scrupulousness, spiritual states, and etiquette. When the people of scrupulousness were mentioned in the presence of [the Caliph] al-Mutawakkil, he would cry and say: “When the people of scrupulousness are mentioned, they can‟t compare with Dhū al-Nūn.” He was thin and of reddish complexion. He died in the year 245 Hijra… [continued on p. 165].


“He is One deity, the Unique, to whom all turn in need, and there is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing and All-Seeing.”

The Sufis were in unanimous agreement that Allah, the Exalted, is described with every attribute with which He described Himself, and is named with every name with which He named Himself. He is Pre-eternal with His names and attributes and does not resemble the creation in any way whatsoever.

He is not a corporeal body [jism], shape [shabaḥ], image [ṣūra], atom [jawhar], or an accident [ʿaraḍ]. He is neither described with movement [ḥaraka] nor stillness [sakana].

Nothing is added or subtracted from Him.

He neither possesses dimensions [abʿāḍ] and parts [ajzā’], nor limbs [jawāriḥ] and appendages [aʿḍā’].

He is not located in directions [jihāt] or places [amkina] and He is not subject to imperfections. He is not overtaken by slumber and He cannot be delimited by allusions.

He is neither encompassed by a place nor subject to time. Spatial contact [with objects] is [rationally] impossible for Him, as is indwelling in locations.

He is not encompassed by thoughts, He is not covered by veils, and visions apprehend Him not. His Divine Entity is not qualified by a modality and His actions are not performed with burden.

The Sufis have said that the pillars of Divine Oneness are seven:

[1] singling out the eternal from the contingent,

[2] declaring the Pre-eternal [Allah] divinely transcendent above having the contingent comprehend Him,

[3] giving up attempts at equating the attributes,

[4] removing the principle of causality [ʿilla] from the Divine Lordship,

[5] Exalting the Real [Allah] above being subject to contingent power and bound by it,

[6] declaring Him divinely transcendent above being subject to [mental] discrimination and consideration, and

[7] exalting Him above analogy [qiyās].


The Sufis are in unanimous agreement that Allah, the Exalted, possesses real attributes by which He is described, such as: Knowledge, Omnipotence, Majesty, Mightiness, Pre-eternality, Life, Honour, Clemency [ḥilm], Wisdom, Will, and Speech. They unanimously agree that these attributes are not corporeal bodies,



accidents, or atoms.

They believe that He possesses real Hearing, Sight, a Face, and a Hand—dissimilar from the hearing and sight of others and not resembling other hands and faces.

The attributes of Allah, the Exalted, are not physical limbs, parts, or appendages. When we speak of His attributes, we negate their opposites, affirm them in themselves, and maintain that they subsist with Allah, the Exalted.

The Sufis have differed about „coming‟ [ityān], „arriving‟ [majī’], and „descent‟ [nuzūl]. The majority of them said that they are attributes befitting Him and are not to be expressed any further than their recitation and narration.

They said that faith in them is obligatory and that it is unnecessary to investigate them.

Muḥammad b. Mūsā al-Wāsiṭī31—may Allah have mercy upon him—said:



continue reading Here:

Imam Ibn Qudamah

and the Asha’ris

Salafi theologian Muhammad ibn Ibrahim said about al-lum’ah:

(128- قول صاحب اللمعة ( ) وجب الايمان به لفظًا)
واما كلام صاحب اللمعة فهذه الكلمة مما لوحظ في هذه العقيدة، وقد لوحظ فيها عدة
كلمات أخذت على المصنف، إذ لا يخفى ان مذهب أَهل السنة والجماعة هو الايمان بما ثبت
في الكتاب والسنة من أَسماء الله وصفاته لفظًا ومعنى، واعتقاد أَن هذه الأَسماءَ
والصفات على الحقيقة لا على المجاز، وأَن لها معاني حقيقة تليق بجلال الله وعظمته.
وادلة ذلك أَكثر من أَن تحصر. ومعاني هذه الأَسماء ظاهرة معروفة من القرآن كغيرها
لا لبس فيها ولا اشكال ولا غموض، فقد أخذ أَصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عنه
القرآن ونقلوا عنه الأَحاديث لم يستشكلوا شيئًا من معاني هذه الآيات والأَحاديث
لأَنها واضحة صريحة، وكذلك من بعدهم من القرون الفاضلة، كما يروى عن مالك لما سئل
عن قوله سبحانه: (الرَّحْمَنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى) ( ) قال: الاستواءُ معلوم،
والكيف مجهول والايمان به واجب، والسؤال عنه بدعة. وكذلك يروى معنى ذلك عن ربيعة
شيخ مالك، ويروى عن أُم سلمة مرفوعًا وموقوفًا.
أما كنه الصفة وكيفيتها فلا يعلمه إلا الله سبحانه، إذ الكلام في الصفة فرع عن
الكلام في الموصوف، فكما لا يعلم كيف هو -إلا هو- فكذلك صفاته. وهو معنى قول مالك:
والكيف مجهول.
أَما ما ذكره في ((اللعمة)) فانه ينطبق على مذهب المفوضة وهو من شر المذاهب
واخبثها. والمصنف رحمه الله إمام في السنة ومن أَبعد الناس عن مذهب المفوضة وغيرهم
من المبتدعة. والله أَعلم. وصلى الله على محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.
(ص-ف 328 في 28-7-85هـ).

The shaykh ended the answer by saying:

“As for that which is mentioned in ((Al-Lum’ah)) then it is in accordance with the way of the mufawwidah which is the worst and most disgusting of ways. The author, may Allah have mercy upon him is an Imam of the Sunnah and from the furthest people away from the mufawwidah and other than them from the people of innovation. Allah knows best and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad, his Family and his Companions.”

The following is also an interesting scan from page 57 of “Fundamentals of the Salafee Methodology: An Islaamic Manual for Reform” ascribed to the late Nasir al-Albani with numerous footnotes which was provided elsewhere by shaykh abul Hasan:


Some people say that Taqleed (Adherence to a madhhab of an Imaam) is haraam in the Shari’ah. They insist that a true Muslim should only follow the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and they say that it is equivalent to shirk (polytheism) to follow an Imaam in matters of Shar’iah.

They also claim that the Hanafi, Shaaf’i, Maliki and Hanbali schools were formed some two hundred years after the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihe wasallam, therefore they are bid’ah (an innovation not approved in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah).

They also stress that a Muslim should seek guidance directly from the Qur’an and Sunnah, and that no intervention of an Imaam is needed to practice upon the Shari’ah.

Please explain to what extent this view is correct?

The answer to the above mentioned question follows and among the first things to be determined is what is Taqleed.

Definition of Taqleed



continue reading Here:

Asking “Ya Shaykh Madad!”


Al-Madad = “Help!”

This Madad was asked by Musa (AS) from his countryman with the word


“he asked for help” (28:15)

and by


using the term

“help me”

in Surat al-Kahf (a`eenuni) (18:95)

which is the same root as “we turn for help” (nasta`een) in the Fatiha.

Following are proofs from the Sunna for calling out to an invisible helper in a situation of need:

1. Al-Bukhari narrates in his Sahih that our mother Hajar, when she was running in search of water between Safa and Marwa, heard a voice and called out: “O you whose voice you have made me hear! If there is a ghawth (help/helper) with you (then help me)!” and an angel appeared at the spot of the spring of Zamzam.

2. Abu Ya`la, Ibn al-Sunni, and al-Tabarani in al-Mu`jam al-Kabir narrated that the Prophet (saws) said: “If one of you loses something or seeks help or a helper (ghawth), and he is in a land where there is no one to befriend, let him say: “O servants of Allah, help me! (ya `ibad Allah, aghithuni), for verily Allah has servants whom one does not see.”

Al-Haythami said in Majma` al-Zawa’id (10:132): “The men in its chain of transmission have been declared reliable despite weakness in one of them.”

Another wording:

3. Al-Bayhaqi narrates on the authority of Ibn `Abbas in “Kitab al-Aadaab” (p. 436) and with a second chain mawquf from Ibn `Abbas in “Shu`ab al-Iman” (1:445-446=1:183 #167; 6:128 #7697) and a third from Ibn Mas`ud in “Hayat al-Anbiya’ ba`da Wafatihim” p. 44: “Allah has angels on the earth – other than the [two] record-keepers – who keep a record [even] of the leaves that fall on the ground. Therefore, if one of you is crippled in a deserted land where no-one is in sight, let him cry out: a’înû ‘ibâd Allâh rahimakum Allâh, ‘Help, O servants of Allah, may Allah have mercy on you!’ Verily he shall be helped, if God wills.”

Ibn Hajar said its chain is fair (isnaduhu hasan) in “al-amali”.

Narrated by al-Tabarani in al-Kabir with a fair chain (according to Ibn Hajar in al-Amali) of sound narrators according to al-Haythami (10:132), al-Bazzar (#3128) – as cited by al-Shawkani in Tuhfa al-Dhakirin (p. 219=p. 155-156) -, and Ibn Abi Shayba (7:103).

4. Ibn Abi Shayba relates in his “Musannaf” (7:103) from Aban ibn Salih that the Prophet (saws) said: “If one of you loses his animal or his camel in a deserted land where there is no-one in sight, let him say: “O servants of Allah, help me! (yâ ‘ibâd Allâh a’înûnî), for verily he will be helped.”

Al-Zahawi said in al-Fajr al-Sadiq, a book he wrote in refutation of Wahhabism:


Al-Shawkani also allows the calling on someone invisible: "In the hadith (of a`inu) there is evidence that it is permissible to ask help from those one does not see among the servants of God, whether angels or good jinn, and there is nothing wrong in doing it, just as it is permissible for someone to seek the help of human beings if his mount becomes unmanageable or runs loose." Tuhfat al-Dhakirin p. 155-156.

5. Ahmad relates in his Musnad (4:217) that at the time of the greatest fitna of the Dajjal, when the Muslims will be at their weakest point, and just before `Isa ibn Maryam descends at the time of salat al-fajr, people will hear a caller calling out three times: "O people, al-ghawth (the helper) has come to you!"

6. Ibn Kathir in his history, al-Bidaya wal- Nihaya [7:91, Year 18] narrates that `Umar (ra) sought help and relief from drought and famine in Madina by writing to `Amr ibn al-As and Abu Musa al-Ash`ari in Egypt and Basra respectively, each with the words, "Yaa ghawthaah li Ummati Muhammad! = Help! Help! for the Community of Muhammad!" If this is not istighaatha and isti`aana then there is no istighaatha and isti`aana.

Al-Zahawi said in al-Fajr al-Sadiq:

Al-Subki, al-Qastallani in al-Mawahib al-laduniyya, al- Samhudi in Tarikh al-Madina, and al-Haythami in al-Jawhar al- munazzam said that seeking help with the Prophet and other prophets and pious persons, is only a means of imploring Allah for the sake of their dignity and honor (bi jahihim). The one doing the asking seeks from the One asked that He assign him aid (ghawth) on behalf of the one higher than him. For the one being asked in reality is Allah. The Prophet is but the intermediary means (wasita) between the one asking for help and the One asked in reality. Hence, the help is strictly from Him in its creation (khalqan) and being (ijadan), while the help from the Prophet is strictly in respect to secondary causation (tasabbuban) and acquisition from Allah (kasban)…..

As for the invocations of common Muslim people in Arabic like: "O `Abd al-Qadir Gilani look at me (Ya `Abd al-Qadir adrikni)!" and "O Ahmad al-Badawi give us support (Ya Badawi madad)!" they belong to the figurative language of the mind just as the application of someone who would say to his food: "Satisfy me!" or to his water: "Quench my thirst!" or to his medicine: "Heal me!" The food does not satisfy, nor does the water quench the thirst, nor the medicine heal. But the One who is the real Satisfier of our hunger, the Quencher of our thirst and the Healer of our ills is Allah alone. The food, the water, the medicine are only the proximate or secondary causes which custom has established on the surface of things by our mind's regular association of them with certain concomitant events.

Shaykh Khayr al-Din Ramli in his Fatawa Khayriyya (p. 180-181) was asked about "those who say: O Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir! O Shaykh Ahmad! O Rifa`i! [Give us] something for the sake of Allah (shay'un lillah) O `Abd al-Qadir! and such, at which time they become greatly entranced and experience states that make them jump up and down etc. He answered – Allah have mercy on him: 'Know first of all that among the famous rules that are firmly put to use in the books of the Imams is the rule that matters are judged according to their ends… as taken from the hadith of the Two Shaykhs al-Bukhari and Muslim: Actions are only according to intentions…. and none denies the reality of the Sufis except every ignorant, foolish soul.'"

1. Al-Bukhari's narration of the Prophet – Allah bless and greet him – from `Abdullâh Ibn `Umar – Allah be well-pleased with him -:

"Truly the sun shall draw so near on the Day of Resurrection that sweat shall reach to the mid-ear, whereupon (ISTIGHÂTHÛ bi âdam thumma bi mûsâ thumma bi muHammadin Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallama) they shall ASK HELP from Adam – upon him peace -, then from Musa – upon him peace – , then from Muhammad – Allah bless and greet him – who will intercede (fa yashfa`u)… and that day Allah shall raise him to an Exalted Station, so that all those who are standing [including the unbelievers] shall glorify him (yahmaduhu ahlul-jam`i kulluhum)." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (Qadîm Kutub Khâna, Karachi, 1381H), 1:199 (Cf. Prof. Tahir-ul-Qadri, `Aqida-e-tawassul, p. )]

Obviously, they are not going to be forgetting Allah on that day. The people seeking help by these Prophets is the same as using them as a means (wasîla) to Allah and the Hadith continues that the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam will be accepted. Will those who are against that in this life, be in favour of it in the next? It is for this reason, that Ala Hazrat (ra) states: "âj madad mâng un se, âj panâ le un se, qal na mânenge qayâmat" "Take his madad today, take his pana, it might not be accepted in qayamat."

2. The following quote is from Shaikh `Ali Mahfuz who died in 1361 (1942 A.D.) and was one of the great `ulama' of Jami' al-Azhar (Egypt), who praises Ibn Taymiyya and Muhammad `Abduh very much in his book Al-ibda'.

Nevertheless, he says in there: "It is not right to say that the great awliya' (rahimahum-Allahu ta'ala) dispose worldly affairs after death, such as curing the ill, rescuing those who are about to be drowned, helping those who are against the enemy and having lost things found. It is wrong to say that, because the awliya are very great, Allahu ta'ala has left these tasks to them or they do what they wish or that one who clings to them will not go wrong. But whether they are alive or dead, Allahu ta'ala blesses, among His awliya', the ones whom He wills, and, through their karamat, He cures the ill, rescues those who are about to be drowned, helps those who are fighting an enemy and recovers lost things. This is logical. Also Qur'an al-karim reveals these facts."

[Shaikh 'Ali Mahfuz, Al-ibda', p. 213, Cairo, 1375 (1956 A.D.); `Abdullah ad-Dasuqi and Yusuf ad-Dajwi, professors at Jami` al- Azhar, wrote eulogies praising the book at the end of Al-ibda'. (Cf. The Sunni Path)]

3. Lastly, the Hadith ash-Sharif written in Sahihayn, the two genuine Hadith books, one by al-Bukhari and the other by Muslim states that the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) visited the graves of the martyrs of Uhud exactly ONE YEAR after they died. A minbar was BUILT in the graveyard for him to deliver a sermon. 'Uqba ibn Amir (radi-Allahu `anh), the relater of the Hadith ash- Sharif, said, 'Rasulullah (sall-Allahu Ta`ala `alaihi wa sallam), ascended the minbar. It was the last time I saw him on the minbar. He declared: "I do not fear whether you will become polytheists after I die. I fear that you, because of worldly interests, will kill one another and thus be destroyed like ancient tribes." '

The profound scholar Shaykh Sulayman ibn `Abd al-Wahhâb an-Najdî (rahimah-Allahu ta'ala), the author of "as-sawâ'iq al-ilâhiyya" comments on this Hadîth as follows in refutation of his younger brother and the rebellious movement started by him in partnership with the British and al-Sa`ûd family: "Rasulullah (sall-Allahu ta'ala 'alaihi wa sallam) foretold all that would happen to his umma till the Resurrection. This sahih hadith states that his umma will never worship idols, that he was assured of it. This hadith ash-Sharif demolishes Wahhabism by the roots, for the Wahhabite book claims that the Ummat al- Muhammadiyya worship idols, that Muslim countries are full of idols, that tombs are idol-houses. It says that one also becomes a disbeliever by not believing that he who expects help or intercession at shrines is a disbeliever. However, Muslims have visited graves and asked the mediation and intercession of awliya' for centuries. No Islamic scholars have called such Muslims polytheists; they regarded them as Muslims."

[Sulaiman ibn `Abd al-Wahhab an-Najdi, As-sawa'iq al-ilahiyya fir- raddi `alal-Wahhabiyya (Nukhbat al-Akbar press, Baghdad, 1306 A.H), p. 44 (Cf. Advice for the Muslim, Cp. 5)]

Yasir Qadhi

Watch his video Here

^His Master :

Ibn Taymiyah said:

“Whoever regards the angels and Prophets as intermediaries whom he calls upon, puts his trust in and asks them to bring that which will benefit him and ward off harmful things, such as asking them to forgive sins, guide them, relieve them of distress and meet their needs, is a kaafir, according to the consensus of the Muslims.

[Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 1/124.]

But hold on….his ^ student:

Ibn Al-Qayyim argues for

the validity of calling the dead

Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (691-751AH/ 1292-1350 AD), the second in command after the Grand Sħaykħ of Anthropomorphism (falsely believing Aļļaah is in a place or direction, like created things),

Aĥmad Ibn Taymiyyah (661-728 AH/ 1263-1328 AD), makes an astonishing defense for someone that calls a dead person, in his book Ar-Ruuĥ (The Soul).

This is astonishing, because it is him and his sħaykh that invented the saying that calling a person is shirk (worship of other than Aļļaah) unless he is alive and present. The following are some quotes from the book:

After mentioning that one should fee shy from the dead when visiting the graveyard, because the dead perceive their visitor, he says:

“Even further than that; the dead knows about the works of the living among his relatives and brothers (P. 7).”

Then he states:

“On this issue there are many narrations from the companions, and some of the relatives of ˆAbduļļaah ibn Rawaaĥah used to say, ‘O Aļļaah, verily I seek your protection from doing anything that I will be brought in shame for in the eyes of ˆAbduļļaah ibn Rawaaĥah.’ He (they) used to say this after the martyrdom of ˆAbduļļaah.

…Read on: Here


So if this is what Ibn Al-Qayyim believes, then where is the shirk in calling a dead person for help?

After all, as the author states, the great soul is even more able to help after death, than before death, and has perception of hearing all the way from Paradise to his grave.

Even more so, who in his right mind will claim, after believing all this, that traveling to visit the Prophet’s grave is forbidden???

The Qur’aan and Aļļaah’s attribute of Speech

Aļļaah’s attribute of Speech

Allaah’s Speech is a necessary and eternal attribute of perfection, which pertains to what He knows, by which He tells, orders, promises and threatens. It would be imperfection for the Creator not to have an attribute by which He tells, orders, promises and threatens.

That is why we do not believe it has a beginning, or that it is an action, such as our speech, because that would mean that Aļļaah needed to create for Himself a Speech to achieve perfection.

Moreover, it is imperfection to be attributed with the attribute of expressing what one knows serially (i.e. consecutively, one piece of information after another, or by letters or words). This is because speech that consists of serial expressions must have a beginning and because there will be a delay in informing all that one knows.

Words and letters are created speech

Speech consisting of words and letters is the speech of creation. For this reason one cannot say that Aļļaah’s eternal attribute of Speech is letters and sounds, because Allaah said:

“لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ”

Meaning: “Absolutely nothing resembles Him.” (Al-Sħuuraa, 11)

Accordingly, when Ahlu-s-Sunnah, the Asħˆariyys and the Ĥanafiyys, say that the “Qur’aan is not created” they are referring to Aļļaah’s eternal attribute of speech that is not sound or letters. In other words, the Speech that the book of the Qur’aan refers to.

This is the correct belief, because the Arabic language, just like all languages, was created by Allaah. Accordingly, if Arabic is a creation, how can Arabic speech be anything but a creation?

After all, what is composed of created things, in this case the sounds of Arabic and their representing letters, is clearly created.

Moreover, speech that is letters and sounds must have a beginning and therefore be a creation.


Because words and letters have a beginning.

So in “bismillaah”, for example “i” comes after “b”, so when you say bismillaah, the sound “i” only becomes existent after “b” ’s non-existence. This means “i” has become existent after non existence, which means that it needs a creator to exist. Nothing can come into existence without a creator, all Muslims must believe that.

The two meanings of the word


The saying of Ahlu-s-Sunnah is that the words and letters in the printed copies of the Qur’aan refer to Allaah’s eternal Kalaam, and tell us in Arabic what He said eternally without letters, sounds or words. It is therefore correct to say that “the Qur’aan is not created,” because the word “Qur’aan” actually refers to what Allaah tells us, and His speech is not created.

It is not correct, however, to say that the words, letters, and sounds associated with the book are not created, because words and letters need a creator, and because the Arabic language, the language of the book, is a creation.

An example to clarify is that the word “Aļļaah” refers to Allaah. We do not worship these letters, or the sounds of uttering this word. Rather, we worship the one they refer to. In the same sense, the words, letters and Arabic in the book are not themselves Allaah’s attribute of Speech, but refer to that attribute; they tell us what Allaah said with His eternal Speech.

The two aspects of speech: